About Still I Rise 


Mission & vision

The 2020 “STILL I RISE” Conference will propel you into your destiny, realign you with your authentic goals, and shift you into your purpose.  This conference will be life-changing. Our theme: “YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS.” Jeremiah 1:5.  Register Today!

Why Still I RISE

I started this conference because for centuries, women knew only one thing and that was to always put everyone else before themselves.  None of them knew how to take “me time” for themselves. They didn’t understand being restored, refreshed, revived and rising from a posture of discouragement and defeat.  This conference is a platform for Women to Empower Women. When women are empowered, they in turn rise up and empower their families, their colleagues, other women, and their communities.  I started this conference because EMPOWERED WOMEN EMPOWER OTHERS!!!


This conference is for Women from every background, ethnicity, religion and walk of life.

Women should attend this conference because it is a platform for women from different backgrounds to meet, support and empower each other through their stories and experiences of how they were empowered to rise above the situations and circumstances that life confronted them with. One speaker was sent home to die, and another one of our speakers actually died, but God raised them up because their promise was still alive.  You must come to this conference, because your promise is still alive!!!

Conference Registration

We want to see Women healed, delivered, and equipped to walk in the fullness of their God-ordained purpose! Register Now!

Conference Speakers

These Anointed Dynamic Women of God will impart and equip women to rise to their maximum potential to be the women they were born to be.






De Corado



Debron Branton

Worship Leader

Thank You to Our Vendors & Sponsors

Don’t Miss This Conference!

YOU Were

Born For This!